Member-only story
A Children’s Story That Never Got Published
Margaret Lily Bumbledilly-a book about manners
This story was meant to be published, then evolve into a manners-teaching-series featuring the big-hat-wearing character “Margaret Lily Bumbledilly.” (Who can resist such a cute little girl as that? I loved her before I ever wrote the story!) My son was going to illustrate it (he’s a brilliant artist) but life got busy for both of us. So here it sits. And occasionally I read it to my children.
Margaret Lily Bumbledilly loves to dress in red….and everywhere she goes she wears a big hat on her head.
She loves to go with mother to the fruit and veggie market, she helps to fill the cart with food and when they’re done she parks it.
“Hello Margaret”, Mrs. Jenkins said the other day. Margaret smiled, but then she shyly looked the other way.
“Margaret Lily Bumbledilly!” Mother slightly frowned…”When someone says ‘hello’ to you, you don’t look at the ground! The smile you gave was perfect–that’s the first thing that you do, but then you need to follow with ‘Hello, and how are you?’ Manners are important dear, it’s common courtesy, to speak to those who speak to you and answer pleasantly”.
Margaret couldn’t wait to practice this new thing she’d learned, and she didn’t have to…