Member-only story
Why Everyone is Grounding & You Should Too

What is Grounding?
Have you ever heard of grounding? No, I’m not talking about disciplining your teenager for staying out too late. I’m talking about the practice of connecting your body to the earth’s natural electrical charge.
“Wait, what? Electrical charge?”
I hear you saying. Yes, you read that right. The earth has its own electrical charge, and our bodies are meant to be in contact with it. When we spend too much time indoors, walking on pavement, or wearing rubber-soled shoes, we become disconnected from the earth’s natural energy. And that can have some negative health effects.
Grounding is Easy
But don’t worry, grounding is a simple and easy way to reconnect with the earth and improve your health.
Here’s why everyone is grounding and why you should too.
1. Grounding has been shown to improve sleep.
When our bodies are in contact with the earth’s energy, it can help regulate our melatonin levels, which is the hormone responsible for sleep. Studies have shown that sleeping grounded can improve sleep quality, reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, and even reduce the occurrence of snoring!